Toru Trail Events are the heartbeat of Toru Education, held on the third weekend of each month and are designed to be a stand alone 'permaculture site visit' similar to one included in our Permaculture Design Course (PDC). We found that these were a real highlight for students on our PDCs as they combine theoretical learning with seeing practical permaculture in action, as well as bringing people together to share knowledge and experiences. It's really what Toru Education is all about!

These events will be held across Kāpati, Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, the Hutt Valley, and Wairarapa.

Each Toru Trail Event is diverse and unique, but aims to include most or all of the following: 

  • A visit to a home/land/project space
  • A practical experience outside on the whenua.
  • A discussion/story-telling/talk articulating a theory or on a topic related to the host, the whenua and sustainable living
  • A shared lunch and socialising
  • A chance for participants to share their reflections and perspectives related to the days activities

Fees will vary, and go towards a koha for the host for the day, as well as lunch for all. Usually we use a sliding scale / pay-as-you-feel model with koha/free tickets available to ensure accessibility. 

Upcoming Toru Trail Events:

Check out the events we have coming up and book your place.

Upcoming Toru Trail Events

Toru Trail by New Forest

A Toru Trail Event: Discover how we can transform landscapes, how we can create places in nature where we feel we've come home. Nature starts to respond when we allow it to regenerate, it starts to support us when we nurture certain healing…

Location: Wairarapa