Kia ora Toru friend, 

This newsletter brings you news about

  • the blessing of the New Forest School in Masterton;
  • permaculture related news and events, including an encouragement to embark on your own learning journey;
  • and of course more bread baking including an invitation to the 3rd annual Gathering of Bread bakers in the Spirit of Parihaka on the 4th of November; 

It finishes with two wonderful inspiring examples of hands-on permaculture actions in Aoteaora.

We are delighted that the New Forest School on Joep and Hella's property 'New Forest' is now a part of Toru Education.

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Hella and Joep unveiling the sign for the New Forest School at the recent blessing

They have created a beautiful place for young and old to enjoy a natural environment, which has been given back to nature for regeneration. The New Forest is 10km north of Masterton on 240 acres of land on the edge of the Tararua Range. It is a marvellous example of "experiential education opportunities that nurture nature, people and spirit" (the mission statement of Toru Education, see here). 'New Forest School' offers the opportunity to children (with their caregivers) to spend a day in this outdoor classroom to enjoy the many experiences that nature can offer.

"Nature was once our home, the New Forest experience can give people of all ages a feeling of coming home. Connecting and caring for each other and the living world" (Excerpts from the ethos of New Forest School)
Go to events for more images and details for the open family gatherings at New Forest School on the first Friday of each month. 

What else have we been busy with?

This year's permaculture design course (PDC) brought together another wonderful group of enthusiastic participants. Check out the snapshots of the PDC 2019 course. 

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After this intense permaculture course, our core team has taken the time to review our current course format and content. On our website, back in June this year, we indicated the possibility of a new modular format, in the way of four seasonal modules, each 3-4 days, instead of the one off intensive 15 days, and we were seeking expression of interest. We were excited to receive many responses. However, our core team has decided to take a sabbatical year and will not be holding a course for the public in 2020. We have a firm intention to hold a modular course in 2021. In the meantime, we have invited all those who expressed interest to a informal Hui in Paekakariki on the afternoon of the 2nd of November in Paekakariki. We are keen to meet folks who expressed interest in permaculture and hear wishes and questions. Also, we believe that there are many local opportunities, resources and networks that could kick off your personal permaculture learning journey before a formal course. This brief article is encouraging you to self design your own experiential learning. Meeting other like-minded folks is often the first step. We are very open to organise some weekend courses as requested. Please RSVP for the Hui here.
That day on the 2nd of November will conclude with a home screening of the delightful, hopeful and hugely inspiring movie called 'The Biggest Little Farm'. All welcome! RSVP please by getting a free ticket here.


The following week, Monday 4th November, you are warmly invited to the 3rd annual gathering of bread bakers' in the spirit of Parihaka, acknowledging and remembering this tragic but inspiring event in New Zealand history. Read here about it all. 

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To finish off this round of news, something for you to relax over after a day out there in garden planting or out there in the streets protesting, or doing whatever good work you are doing. I have loved watching  these two uplifting stories. I hope you enjoy them, too: 

Fools and Dreamers: The story of botanist Hugh Wilson and how he regenerated a native forest over 30 years: the Hinewai Reserve in Banks Peninsula. 

Country Calendar on Pakaraka Farm: A 'Country Calendar' session about Niva and Yotam from Thames, managing a most successful small scale market garden and education centre based on permaculture principles.

Enjoy this lovely time of spring!  

Doris, for the Toru Education Trust