Kāpiti Coast: Oct 23rd 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Build up your resilience and preparedness for the unexpected, with a kitset for your own composting toilet. Come and join our Toru PDC tutor and composting toilet expert Matt Brenin from Otaki. 

Matt takes a keen interest in bringing the benefits of composting toilets to the mainstream. He has worked with the Joint Centre for Disaster Research at Massey University to undertake research on the use of composting toilets in emergencies. He has worked with Civil Defence Wellington to bring compost toilets to the attention of local authorities as a preferred emergency response solution. He is wearing many hats, bouncing between community development projects, sustainable building, emergency compost toilets and general project management. www.greenearth.net.nz

Matt designs and builds compost toilets for everyday use, meeting building consent compliance. He will show us his design for an easy to assemble kitset, and answer all the questions you may have. 

Yes, let's talk about our poos and what we can do when the daily simple flushing away and forgetting about it may not work.  

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30 Te Miti Street
Paekākāriki 5034
Kāpiti Coast