Here is some simple information for a prospective individuals/organisation to assess their alignment:
Toru’s mission is to provide experiential learning opportunities that nurture people, planet and spirit.
We align our work to the three permaculture ethics of:
  • People care
  • Earth care
  • Fair share
Our geographical focus area is from Kāpiti, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Wellington, the Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
Our focus is promoting learning opportunities and community events around these area:
  • Te Ao Māori 
  • Local food
  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Regeneration 
  • Farming
  • Soil
  • Land
  • Water
  • Community development
  • Natural building
  • Co-housing
If you feel like you or your org aligns with this focus and our values, please fill out the form here to register your org with us.
If you think there is another focus area we should be promoting, please fill out our contact us form and let us know.